Saturday, March 5, 2011

Four Weeks tonight and we will be sipping Port in Val de Lobo

I created this space so that Sharon, Jo,  Ann, Margaret, Mary, Diane and I will be able to share our trip to Portugal with anyone who wants to follow our fun on our second trip together.  Our first trip to Spain was in 2005.  Sharon was kind enough to invite us to share her holiday with us in Portugal and her lovely time share in Val de Lobo, Algarve, Portugal. 

Today, I unpacked and repacked my bag trying to decide what to take and what I need to buy!  Margaret, Mary and I are spending a week researching family history, theatre and pub grub in London before heading back home so we need two seasons of clothes, tough to so with only 50 pounds!

Now I am going to forward this on to the rest of the girls to add how they are preparing for our trip. 


  1. This is so cool! Thanks, Jo-Ann for thinking about this. The only thing I am thinking about is how to keep my packing down to only a few pounds. When I did Europe in '75 for 6 months I took a very small back pack. I don't understand why I need so much now! I do have my Euros bought & all my paperwork done.

  2. I was at the theatre this afternoon and thought, omg, I have clothes packed for Portugal but only one pair of jeans for Sharon says we might need gloves! Have to unpack again and rethink this! Yes, it was much easier when we didn't care about matching clothes!

  3. I am hoping more people join the blog

  4. Less than 2 weeks & still not packed or ready. I am hoping to start Thursday. I am getting excited.
